Volume 1, Issue 2 April 2002
The year 2002: A time for new beginnings

Do you like makeovers? I sure do.
Whether it's a car, person, or living room, it's always great fun seeing what a little change here, or there, can do.
Inevitably, there comes the time for a major overhaul, as was the case with my own Web site, www.sandyhershelman.com.

Last winter, I FINALLY sat down and spent time working on my own image. When I last e-mailed (most of) you, in November, I did so as Cat's Eye Design. Personally, I still love the name. . .and the idea of being "The Kitten on the Keys at Cat's Eye Design". I'm not letting go of that trade name.

But, I've had a revelation; maybe you'd call it a reality check. When most of you heard "Cat's Eye Design," you asked, "Who?"
When asked if you knew Sandy Hershelman, you probably went, "Oh, I know her!"

Hence, I realized I was not making use of my greatest marketing tool —at least in East Jefferson County— my name.

And so, I decided to greet the New Year with a new business name: Sandy Hershelman Designs. Got to admit, there's no doubt it's me.


Sandy's Rotary rambles

Me and my big mouth.
A member of the Rotary Club of East Jefferson County for only a couple of weeks, I was asked to give a "classification" speech — basically a tell- them-what-I-do tall tale.

I was on a roll by the time it came to the part where I was telling the mostly business owners what a valuable tool a newsletter can be, whether it's in print or via e-mail.

From the front row, everyone heard one Rotarian say to the other, "Hey, does Rotary have a newsletter?"
The other quickly replied, "No, but we soon will have."

Want to guess who the editor of the Rotary's new newsletter is????

Joking aside, I'm proud to be a part of such a generous organization. If you'd like to check out the first couple of issues, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.


I know I'm not the only member of the Nick Harper fan club. No doubt, a lot of you already know the Port Townsend native. (If not, I'll introduce you!)

When Nick decided to go into real estate full time, he asked me to design a showcase for the homes he was listing, as a Realtor for Coldwell Banker, Forrest Aldrich.

Nick's site is heavy with photographs, both his and mine. Consequently, I kept the basic design of the site really simple, just blue and white. . . the colors of Coldwell Banker.

Don't tell anyone, but I even find myself using his links page, when I'm in need of quick access to some of this area's most informative sites.

If this newsletter has inconvenienced you, or offended you in any way, I do apologize.
Just send me an e-mail and I'll unsubscribe you. No hard feelings. I'll still greet you on the streets!

Sandy Hershelman Designs
P.O. Box 521
Port Hadlock, WA 98339